Egypt is a dream destination for many travelers, but the costs of flights, hotels and tours can start to add up quickly. However, with some savvy planning and budget travel hacks, you can see the top sights in Egypt without breaking the bank. Here are some tips to make your Egyptian adventure affordable.

When deciding on dates, aim to travel in the off-season months between April and May or September and October. You’ll avoid the intense summer heat and busy winter tourist surge. This lowers costs significantly as hotels and flights discount rates. Booking early also secures cheaper prices. Consider signing up for travel deal email lists from budget airlines and booking sites too.

Explore Travel Joy Egypt Budget Tours

For accommodations,opt for staying in guesthouse dorms or hostels over hotels. These community-style stays offer a more authentic cultural experience while cutting costs in half or more per night. When researching areas like Cairo, Alexandria or Luxor, look on HostelWorld and for best budget options near attractions.

For sightseeing, the Egypt Museum and Pyramids are worth the ticket prices, but many other top sites offer free or low cost admission. The Citadel, Mosques and bazaars in Cairo as well as the Karnak and Luxor Temples don’t charge entrance fees. Hire a private guide for a day to maximize more budget-friendly attractions and ask about any nearby free or inexpensive activities too.


  • Use shuttle buses rather than taxis between cities to save hundreds on long distances transport.
  • Book day tours from your guesthouse or online aggregators rather than multi-day packages. Day trips are often half the price while still seeing top sights.
  • Visit main attractions early when crowds are smaller to avoid costly private tours. The ticket prices are also cheaper in the mornings or evenings at some sites.
  • Eating local shawarma or fuul sandwiches and drinking tea is much more affordable than restaurants catering to tourists. Stroll through markets like Khan el-Khalili to stock up on snacks too.

With strategic planning on where to stay, what to do and how to get around, it’s possible to experience Egypt’s treasures affordably. Factor in a modest budget for optional extra expenses like souvenirs. But by following these hacks, travelers can stretch their money further to make memories that last in this incredible country.